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The Day After

We flew in during a thunderstorm. Layovers and small-engine  craft made the segments of the trip feel like puzzle pieces that didn’t quite fit. Travel can often feel like a chore. At times it has more of a trial feel. The early darkness from the late summer storm took away the sense of place from that wearying day of transit. We had arrived. We miraculously arrived with all our gear. But there was to be no fishing that afternoon. And as evening quickly came over the lodge, the only way we could perceive the river and the surrounding environs was in momentary freeze frame lightning  flashes.

The dawn of the day after was when everything clicked. No flights to catch. No gate changes or missed meals. Just a river full of fish and opportunities. That first day was so crazy, so busy, even so exhilarating. But we experienced where we had arrived on the day after.

I can’t help but think that was how small group of men and women in first century Palestine felt nearly 2,000 years ago today.

The lingering grief and confusion over Friday’s events. Then the empty tomb. The report of the women. The encounter with the angel. Then coming face to face with Jesus. That Sunday was a crazy, busy, and exhilarating day.

And while things may have still been somewhat surreal, the practical ramifications of the resurrection and all that entailed began to dawn on them on the day after. Everything had changed. A new life and a new world and a new hope had dawned. With His presence,  everything would begin to click. And although they were slow to hear, He was and is graciously willing to work with us on the day after and every day since.

For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, And through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross—through Him—whether things on earth or things in heaven.
Colossians 1:19-20

Happy Easter from Casting Across

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