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Tag: Holiday

Happy Inevitable Transitions

Close up camp. Back to school. Don’t wear white. Labor Day does not sound like a whole lot of fun. But summer is only a short nine months away. And fall is pretty spectacular. Plus there is the fact that you can’t alter the rotation of the earth and the resultant seasons so there is …

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Independence Day, 2023

I usually don’t produce a full-sized article around holidays, as I am often busy with various and sundry celebrations. But I do want to put out something. Part of it is maintaining consistency. Part of it is  that I am a little nuts about the idea of a schedule. Another website I frequent put up …

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The Soldier-Angler

Decoration Day was the forerunner to the modern celebration of Memorial Day. A reunifying United States  formally and corporately acknowledged the fallen. In steps through the decades and through other wars, Memorial Day as we know it came to be. Thaddeus Norris’ The American Angler’s Book was published in 1864. Although the war was still …

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The Day After

We flew in during a thunderstorm. Layovers and small-engine  craft made the segments of the trip feel like puzzle pieces that didn’t quite fit. Travel can often feel like a chore. At times it has more of a trial feel. The early darkness from the late summer storm took away the sense of place from …

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Podcast Ep. 211: Thanksgiving & Fly Fishing

Happy Thanksgiving from Casting Across! This episode was recorded around noon on Thanksgiving. Consequently, I talk about turkey and what I am thankful for. We all have a lot to be thankful for. Regardless of your lot in life or how many fish you catch, we all have so much for which we can express …

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I am Thankful

I am thankful for fly fishing. This means I am thankful to people; not just thankful with some nebulous sentiment. That isn’t true thankfulness. True thankfulness has  a person as the object. True thankfulness can be given and received. I am thankful to Alan, who introduced me to the sport. As a teenager, he needed …

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Red, White, and Brookies

Tomorrow morning I’m waking up early and going fishing. I’ll get to drive on well-maintained interstate highways and state roads. A wide assortment of breakfast options will be available for me to choose from. The forest that I’ll be walking into is public and free to access. Freedom has its perks; even in the small …

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Memorial Day, the Right Way

There is no right way to observe Memorial Day. Go fly fishing. Grill something in the backyard. Take care of some house projects, lounge in front of the TV, or catch up on some work that needs to get done. In my opinion, all of those activities can be right for Memorial Day if they’re …

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Water, Woods, & Christmastime

Christmas is not my favorite holiday. It’s like the best part of all the other fun holidays, but with a whole lot of other stuff crammed into it. It’s busy. It’s expensive. It’s almost always cold. Consequently, I’ve been known to be a little Grinchy in the Yuletide lead-up. But then Christmas Eve hits. All …

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Rusty Flybox: 3rd of July

Today is not a holiday. But tomorrow is. And like any red-blooded American, I’m working today before stocking up on meat, charcoal, and colorful imported explosives. No time for fly fishing writing. But, the Rusty Flybox is a channel for me to break out a few posts that didn’t get a lot of traction the …

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