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Tag: Fly Rods

Fly Rod FAQs for the Backcountry

With small stream fly fishing getting a lot of attention on Casting Across, it makes complete sense that I get a lot of questions about  the kinds of rods used in these applications. Below are five questions that are pertinent to small streams and the rods commonly used to fish them. It is not an …

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Podcast Ep. 320: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXXII

I love questions about fly rods. And you love questions about fly rods. Guess what two of the three questions on today’s Q&A podcast pertain to? Along with this fan-favorite topic, I discuss downsizing. Yes, there is a time and place to get rid of things. Even fly fishing things. In just under 25 minutes, …

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Simple Versatility from Tenkara USA

Small stream anglers were some of the earliest western adopters of the equipment and techniques associated with tenkara. Collapsible rods and minimal gear fit right into the methods of those who like to move light and quick into remote places. Tenkara USA was on the cutting edge of introducing Japanese fly fishing to Americans. With …

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Podcast Ep. 286: Your Fly Rod Questions

You need a fly rod to fly fish. Whether it is one hundred or one thousand dollars, you’d do well to have a good idea of which fly rod is best for you and your fishing. The absolute best way to do this? Go to a fly shop and cast. Before you take that step, …

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Even More Fly Rod FAQs

How light of a fly rod should you use if you want to feel fish? What is the perfect dry fly rod? Will a broken rod make casting harder? (Yes, I’ve heard this a number of times.) I love questions. And I enjoy thinking through and talking about fly rod questions. In my years writing …

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More Fly Rod FAQs

For most fly anglers, the most exciting piece of gear to shop for and purchase is the rod. Any conscientious buyer will understandably go through a relatively rigorous process of determining what to trust with his money and his prospective fish. In my years writing Casting Across, teaching casting, guiding, and selling rods, questions about …

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Podcast Ep. 272: [Cast1] Rods, Reels, & Line

The fly rod. It is a beautiful, functional, and essential part of fly fishing. But if you’re new to the pursuit, the hundreds of options (split into different weights, lengths, actions, and even materials – mind you) can be  a lot to take in. Add a reel and line on top of it? That is …

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Fly Rod FAQs

One of my favorite parts of Casting Across is interacting  with readers and listeners. It is always exciting to see the emails come in, whether they contain comments, questions, and, every once in a while, accusations. Also, I feel like if someone has taken the time to hear what I have to say and then …

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Podcast Ep. 260: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXVI

So I messed up. To my knowledge, I have never deleted an email from a reader or listener. But just today, right before recording, I did. So whoever you are, this week’s podcast starts off with my heartfelt apology and an answer to your question. Along with that little bit of Q&A, I interact with …

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Don’t Fear the Heavier Rod

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question “what line weight should I use for trout?” The same holds true for smallmouth, pike, striper, panfish… you name it. Every species, and any circumstance you might find yourself in while fishing for that species, can be pursued with a range or rod and line weights. While …

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