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Category: Review

The Letort: A Limestone Legacy

Yesterday afternoon, I scampered through four inches of New Hampshire snow to my mailbox. Upon seeing the media mail envelope, I knew that the book had come. Back in August, Mike Klimkos, friend and editor of the Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide, asked if I could share a few thoughts on the Letort Spring Run. …

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Fly Fishing & Outdoor Co. Holiday Meetup Recap

Last week, the second Fly Fishing & Outdoor Company Holiday Meetup took place in Boston. In the basement of West End Johnnies, a handful of New England enterprises and around fifty attendees spent the evening talking fishing and fishing products. This was by no means the Somerset Fly Fishing Show. It was something completely different, …

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PSA: No Cruddy Shades

This isn’t meant to be a commercial. Think of it more as a public service announcement. Or, if you’re planning on fishing anytime soon and this applies to you, the cacophonous screeching of the emergency broadcast system. Don’t fish with cruddy sunglasses. Are your fishing sunglasses not polarized? Fix it, now. Do your fishing sunglasses …

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My Top Fly Fishing Podcasts

Living in the greater Boston area, most places I have to drive to are relatively close to each other. As the crow flies. Travel time is a different story. The old cow paths and trade routes of the north shore turn a lot of destinations into “you-can’t-get-there-from-here” propositions. Thankfully there are numerous secondary routes to …

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Gear Review: the Vest

For years, fly fisherman have been trying to find the perfect piece of gear to carry their various and sundry flies and tackle on their fishing expeditions. For a sport so fascinated with gadgets, gizmos, and Gink, the conscientious angler has had to answer the age old question: Should I be comfortable and risk leaving …

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