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Author: Matthew

Watch: Streams of Heritage

If you enjoy fly fishing, specifically the uniquely American take on dry fly fishing, you need to be familiar with the Catskills. Names like Gordon and Dette, places like the Beaverkill and  the Upper Delaware: the profound impact of this special part of New York has left an indelible mark on fly fishing. This fantastic …

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Hooked for 25 Years

I had held the fly rod, running my hands over the black foam grip and the forest green blank for weeks before I brought it outside. It was a $25 rod, reel, and line from a department store, but I kept it safely inside. I felt like the right thing to do was to wait …

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Moving Fly Fishing Gear

Ah, moving. There are few moments in life that are more stressful and chaotic. Moving is essentially the exact opposite of fly fishing. If and when you do have to move, you are going to take your angling gear with you. Sure, you could just let the movers have their way with your rods and …

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Trout & the Depth of Temptation

He had ducked under the chain link fence so many times in his mind that doing it for real felt normal. Trespassing wasn’t something he normally fantasized about. However this particular temptation was too hard to resist. The map showed that on the private stretch the river cut deep into the valley. Upstream was always …

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Podcast Ep. 260: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXVI

So I messed up. To my knowledge, I have never deleted an email from a reader or listener. But just today, right before recording, I did. So whoever you are, this week’s podcast starts off with my heartfelt apology and an answer to your question. Along with that little bit of Q&A, I interact with …

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8 Years: A Quick Look Back

In the previous article I commented on how appreciative I am for all the clicks you’ve given Casting Across over the past eight years. I also shared what I plan to think about over the coming months as I put together content on the site. Today, I’m looking back. I’m not looking all the way …

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8 Years: 1,250 People, Places, & Things

Thank you. Why? Well, you’re reading this article on this website. And while I’d be writing something, somewhere if I weren’t creating content for Casting Across, I’ve been doing this for the past eight years because you are reading this. Over 1,250 posts and I don’t have plans on stopping anytime soon. In fact, I …

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Podcast Ep. 259: The 3 Top Gear Reviews

Casting Across is not a “gear review site.” But it does feature quite a few gear reviews. And, apparently you like them. My gear reviews receive thousands upon thousands of views every year. I usually keep those opinions confined to the specific articles, but because there are a lot of thoughts that surround the gear …

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The Last Thing I Need

Sometimes, I get asked questions; questions to which I have a standard response. Here are some examples: Do you golf? No. I’m terrible at it. And the last thing I need is another expensive hobby. Do you bike? I’m afraid I’d get run over on these New England backroads. And the last thing I need …

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