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Tag: Winter

Merry (Late) Christmas from Casting Across

Yes: Christmas was yesterday. But I don’t publish on Sundays. And Friday was a podcast day, so that wasn’t an appropriate day for greetings either. So here you have it. One day late: Merry Christmas from Casting Across. I do hope that your holiday was filled with all of the things that you desired and …

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How Far South to get Good Fishing?

When I attended college in South Carolina, I was perplexed that locals broke out their winter coats when the weather hit the mid-60’s. Growing up in the Midwest, the only change that the mid-60’s  brought about was the addition of long sleeves. Clothing, comfort, and climate in general are all relative. You only have to …

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Cold Weather Fishing Comfort: Beyond Layering

It is easy to stay warm when you’re fishing in the winter. Layer, layer, layer. You can always add another pair of long underwear bottoms or an additional fleece top. This will keep your core toasty in the most brutal conditions. But the fact of the matter is that regardless of how warm you core …

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Podcast Ep. 213: 4 Winter Confidence Flies

Today I talk through four flies that work for me in the winter. Notice I said for me. That doesn’t mean that they won’t work for you. In fact, I think that they will work for you. But I have a lot of confidence in these four patterns. And confidence matters, because there is no …

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Podcast Ep. 212: Tailwaters, part I

Tailwaters are a big part of fly fishing. So big, in fact, that this episode organically became a two-parter. Today I talk about what a tailwater is, where you can find them, and why they are so important for fly fishers. More appropriately: why they are so important for trout. Of course, there is another …

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Trout & Fire on the Tundra, part II

An unparalleled optimism accompanies the evening hours on the night before fishing. Psychologically speaking, one could say that all the potentially negative thoughts become obscure behind the grand promise of a morning filled with trout.  Regardless of the previous day’s events, this optimism burrows itself into the brain with an intensity that creates a sense …

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Trout & Fire on the Tundra, part I

Much has been written about the uncomfortable state of a kind of overindulging that results from inebriation. The college comedy film genre relies on this trope. I’m not ashamed to say, nor do I boast in the fact that I have no experience with this situation. However I can’t imagine that the disagreeable sensation that …

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Hot Cold-Weather Deals

This past weekend, thermometers around me hit 90 degrees. It was a one-day aberration from an otherwise mild New England Spring. But for that one day it was hot. The weather, always a topic of conversation, was on the forefront of everyone’s mind. “It’s only May!” “Got your air conditioner on yet?” “Time to get …

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Podcast Ep. 169: Winter Whatnot

What have you been up to? In this episode, I talk about what I’ve been doing in and around fly fishing this winter. Perhaps you’ll get some brand new ideas; perhaps you’ll see how I do the same thing that you do, albeit slightly differently. There is so much potential in the wintertime. Even though …

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Stay Upright in Winter Fly Fishing

I broke my net. The net broke my fall. The wooden handle took my full weight as I hit the granite boulder. Shiny rocks looked like icy rocks, so I let my guard down. One of those shiny rocks was actually an icy rock. My feet went out from underneath me so fast that I …

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