Remember the fledgling days of the internet? Everything was AOL, chat rooms, and dial up. Slow, slow dial up. In the past few years, have you considered how techno-deficient life was in 1997? You weren’t going to be buying anything online, that is for sure. Watching movies? There were no VHS slots in computers… even …
Tag: Travel
Can You Get Away From Everything
Many people head into nature, be it for fly fishing or some other pursuit, to get away from everything. Everything, of course, is relative. You’re not getting away from the woods. You’re not getting away from fishing. And you’re certainly not getting away from yourself. And no one is wrong for using that turn of …
Podcast Ep. 46: European Trout-cation
I could hear it. It was coming closer. And there I was: alone in the woods, halfway across the world, holding only a fly rod. It wasn’t even that great of a rod. 10 years ago I went to Italy. There was culture, cuisine, and an ill-fated fly fishing adventure. Hear me talk about the …
Fishing Barefoot, Like John-Boy
I’m man enough to admit that I watch The Waltons, from time to time. The wholesome life of the Depression-era mountain family is the TV version of a palate cleanser. People on The Waltons aren’t perfect, but love and community and family almost always win the day. That, and they go fishing a lot. The …
Podcast Ep. 40: Fly Fishing Accusations IV
40 episodes in, and I have a lot of questions, comments, and other feedback to interact with. This podcast I answer a question about fishing while backpacking, sing the praises of old fly rods, and address “Japanese shower climbing.” Briefly, but I address it. It is a lot of fun to hear what readers/listeners are …
Podcast Ep. 32: Playing 20 Fly Fishing Questions
You’ve probably been there before. Lying in bed, the night before a fly fishing excursion. You have thoughts. Questions, actually. You might attempt the counting sheep equivalent of visualizing heavy trout coming to the net. But, for analytical minds like many fly anglers possess, that practice gets one thinking about hypotheticals and other situational what-ifs. …
Rusty Flybox: Memorial Day
This Memorial Day I’m bringing back an old feature that used to appear on Casting Across. For a few years, Fridays on Casting Across meant the “Last Cast of the Week” post. I’d feature three articles, videos, or social media accounts that I consider worth a click and a few minutes. As I got busier, …
Fly Fishing Gear: 3 Things to Leave, 3 to Bring
What are the three pieces of fly fishing gear that you may not always have with you, but might need? And, what are three things that you can probably do without? Minimalism sounds great on paper. When it comes to execution, it is not that easy. What if I need it? There is always a chance …
Podcast Ep. 12: Why You Should Fish the Shenandoah
Within a few hours’ drive of the urban sprawl that surrounds Washington, DC, you can get into some amazing brook trout fishing. Or, you can get into some spectacular smallmouth bass fishing. Or, you can do both. The Shenandoah is a remarkable, beautiful, and historic region of the Mid-Atlantic. For fly fishers, it offers great …
Fly Fishing Travel in 6 Steps
Casting Across isn’t a travel agency. That works out pretty well for you, because that means my expertise in the realm of fly fishing getaways is available at no cost whatsoever. No thanks are necessary. Your angling enjoyment is all the gratitude I need. Below is my six-step process for planning and executing a fly …