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Podcast Ep. 130: Fly Fishing Accusations, XIII

In this week’s episode, I answer questions about rods, reels, and leaders. But they’re some awfully specific questions. That being said, I’m confident that you – the fly fisher – will appreciate and benefit from the scenarios that elicited these questions. What pushes us to experiment and innovate is questions, problems, and curiosity. While I …

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Slow Your Retrieve

Slow catches fish. Fast is glamorous. Fast is easy. Fast doesn’t require as much nuance or patience. Fast catches fish as well, but fast is like the sports highlight: it happened and it was memorable. However the majority of the game was much more reasonably paced. For every strike that follows a wake-inducing, double-fisted retrieve, …

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Podcast Ep. 127: 3 Tips for Mousing

Fly fishing for trout with a mouse fly is a really exciting way to revisit your favorite water. It also may very well yield some of the biggest fish… fish you didn’t even know swam in your well-known holes. Using mice is also a pretty straightforward and easy way to fish. Cast, retrieve, repeat. Hear …

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Trout & Feather: March

Do you enjoy the game “Would You Rather”? A hypothetical scenario is given, and you must choose between two, often quite different options. Here’s a good fly fishing would you rather: Would you rather only have weighted streamers or weightless streamers in your fly box? Maybe you answered right away. But maybe you see why …

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The Fly Fishing Show 2021: In Your Home

Have you heard of Zoom Fatigue? It is a COVID-era phenomenon that explains how people are getting quickly burned out by meetings that occur in little boxes on their computer screen. Having participated in countless Zoom meetings, seminars, and even an 8 hour a day/4 day long class  – I get it. But I’ve also …

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Podcast Ep. 122: Streamers Don’t Need Weight

Don’t burn me at the angling stake for the title of this episode! (If anything, you’ll find that I’m guilty of being slightly misleading.) In a day and age where big, heavy, articulated streamers get a lot of publicity, it is important to remember that there are similar flies that accomplish  slightly different tasks. There …

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Podcast Ep. 114: The Undercut Bank

There are some spots in rivers and streams that you just know hold fish. Deep blue pools, frothy eddies, and overhanging limbs all look incredibly fishy. Another spot that ought to be in that list is the undercut bank. Fish, especially trout, covet these spaces for the purposes of safety and food. In this week’s …

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Ice (Fly) Fishing

This is not a joke. To be fair: I have contemplated creating a satirical article advocating casting across the ice into a small, drilled hole. This is not that article. This is an article that legitimately discusses fly fishing when there is ice present. It is brief, but it is an overview of what you …

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Podcast Ep. 104: Chill in the Air, Trout in the Water

In many places the temperature is dropping. Still, trout are feeding. If you’re there, you can enjoy some spectacular cold weather fly fishing. In this episode I talk about a few tactics for finding fish in the colder months. The approaches aren’t revolutionary, but for many of us any kind of change takes some significant …

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Fish Live Under Things (Now, How to Get There?)

Some fish are hard to catch because they are spooky. Others are just too far away. Others still have a chronic case of lockjaw. Then, there are fish that are perfectly willing to see and take your fly… you just can’t get to them. Because they’re under things. Rocks. Logs. Culverts. Rhododendron tunnels. If there …

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