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The Trout of Ruined Expectations

Shows what I know. Months ago I was crestfallen about the perceived state of one of my favorite trout streams. A small, spring-fed, brook trout oasis in and amongst suburbia has been messed with. Not by man. By rodent. By  castor canadensis: the North American beaver. The darned things had dammed up the creek. A …

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Podcast Ep. 129: Fly Fishing (with Kids)

I’ve written a lot about fly fishing with kids over the years. However, this is my first podcast on the topic. In just under 20 minutes, I go over three ideas that will probably be helpful as you fish with your own children or the kids in your life. I’m not an expert, but I …

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Time Flies: 2 Years of The Flybrary Project

Roughly two years ago I received a package from Castaway Customs. Based out of coastal Florida, they specialize in SeaDek fabrication and installation for boats. Basically, they help protect your boat while keeping you safe and comfortable on the water. I don’t have a boat. But I did request the package. Inside was a handful …

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Podcast Ep. 123: When to Kill a Fish

Most people in the world think that fishing results in harvesting. And, across a wide spectrum of concerns, non-catch-and-release anglers are the allies of fly fishers. We’re largely fighting for the same things. Definitely keep advocating for our fish, our waters, and our environmental concerns. But also keep in mind that we’re part of a …

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Podcast, Ep. 120: Fly Fishing Accusations, XII

One of the biggest drawbacks to the last year has been the significant reduction in organic conversation. Sure, there are still opportunities to get together. It just isn’t as easy. However, I’ve had an uptick in online interaction with listeners and readers of Casting Across. I’m always happy to get messages, and I do my …

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Fly Fishing Controversies: A Media Statement

“Hey Matthew, what do you think about…” I’d be lying if I said that my inbox was inundated with questions about my opinion on various things in the fly fishing community.  But it does happen. Moreover, it happens quite often when hanging out with angling acquaintances. Between Casting Across and my own general interest, I’ve …

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Podcast Ep. 117: Conservation Conflicts

There’s a good way to talk about conservation. There are a lot of bad ways to talk about conservation. While it is a broad-brushed, stereotyping statement, there is some truth in the “cantankerous fly fisher” archetype. In this episode I encourage us to take a better approach. We’re not going to win people to our …

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A Different Color of Fly Fishing Marketing

Sunday night: the little boys went to bed around 7:30 pm. The bigger two, six and eight, stayed up until halftime of the AFC Championship game. When you’re that age 8:30 is a treat because it’s late. (I’d gladly take it, but for other reasons.) As we were heading upstairs I pointed over to the …

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Podcast Ep. 113: Angry Angling

Fly choice. Feeding lane. Approach angle. Your emotions? When was the last time you stopped and considered how much your attitude impacts your fly fishing? In this episode I stop short of psychoanalysis, but I do consider how your mental state impacts a few essential parts of your fishing. Think about it this way: professional …

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All Things Bright & Beautiful

My mother told me that my grandma would read Casting Across now and then. She wasn’t a fly fisher. She just liked reading about what her grandson was doing. She passed away last week at the age of 89.   Some of my earliest memories involve my grandma and grandpa. They were remarkable people. They …

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