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Podcast Ep. 70: Fly Fishing Accusations, VII

What do fly rod material debates, bad tying equipment, and a little county in Pennsylvania have in common? These are the topics i discuss in this episode. And I’m discussing these topics because you have emailed, commented, and chirped on social media about these things. I get a good amount of feedback, and I enjoy …

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Brown Trout & Fly Fishing Ghosts

Most nights I’d time leaving home so I could gear up right as the frogs began to sing in earnest. That wasn’t the event I was  targeting, but the amphibian chorus corresponded with the evening hatch. Trout could be taken all evening long. But the action intensified once the sulphurs started hitting the water. Seeing …

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Brookies at the Ballpark

Minor league baseball is all about fun. Sure, the players are doing everything they can to succeed at the lower levels of professional baseball with the hopes of getting to the majors. But while they’re giving it their all on the field, there is a whole lot more going on around them. T-shirt cannons, “bring …

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Not Quite on the First Cast

I had never casted my fly rod before. I felt like the right thing to do was to wait until I was on a trout stream. All or nothing; all for a $25, boxed rod, reel, and line from a department store. But wouldn’t you know it, I caught a fish on my second cast …

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Podcast Ep. 49: Steelhead Primer

I’m surprised at how many devoted fly fishers haven’t tried catching Great Lakes steelhead. Big fish, manageable rivers, and easy access seem like a perfect combination. Sure, fishing for these lake-run trout isn’t the same experience as going to the Pacific Northwest. But being a half-day’s drive from a unique seasonal fishery is something that …

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Come Meet Mr. Chestney

It probably isn’t normal for a teenage fly fisher to consider streams two hours away as his home waters. Yet living in Northern Virginia, I grew up fishing and dreaming of fishing on the cold, trout-filled waters of South Central Pennsylvania. The Yellow Breeches, Big Spring, and The Letort were where I fished. There were …

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Podcast Ep. 29: Why You Should Fish the Cumberland Valley

In 25 minutes, I only scratch the surface of this historic fly fishing region. Situated in south central Pennsylvania, the Cumberland Valley boasts some remarkable spring creeks. Who doesn’t like big fish in small, beautiful water? While the rivers aren’t what they once were, they are still worth seeking out. Moreover, a great opportunity for …

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Reveille at Camp Fly Fish

I’m sure there are plenty of summer camps that feature a sunrise wake-up call. But I can’t imagine many of them are attended joyfully by teenagers. Instead of grueling runs or study sessions in the a.m., students at the Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation & Fly Fishing Youth Camp are up, dressed, and waist-deep in the water.  …

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One Steelhead, Right in the Middle

I don’t scare easily. But it was remote and dark. Really dark. Now, if I focused I could hear the highway. That brought a little bit of solace. Then I thought about it. Being in close proximity to cars whizzing by at 80 miles per hour doesn’t add any security. They were whizzing by at …

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Rusty Flybox: Cumberland Valley

Next week I’ll be spending a few days in Pennsylvania in pursuit of trout. Although the bulk of my time will be spent on some of the larger rivers in the central part of the state, my schedule allows for a detour to the Cumberland Valley. Basically, this part of South Central Pennsylvania  includes all …

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