I like it. And I usually don’t like things like it. Moreover, I can’t remember the last time I went out of my way to write a few hundred words about something like it. But here we are. I’m writing, and you’re reading, an article about a smartwatch commercial involving a fake carp. Because apparently …
Tag: Humor
The Kind of Moxie it Takes to be Anadromous

The history of introducing fish into American waterways is a story of interesting stories. Setting aside the ecological concerns of nonnative species for a moment, the paths taken by the ancestors of today’s trout and bass are remarkable. There are plenty of fantastical accounts of warming barrels of fry and derailed trail cars filled with …
Bread, Milk, & Egg Patterns
8 Fly Fishing Gift Swap Ideas
Achieving Peak Orvis
The 4 Fly Fishing Closets

Clothes make the man. But do clothes make the fly fisherman? True: fishing is more about reading the water, making the right cast, and matching the hatch. But you can’t do any of this unless you’re dressed for the occasion. (And in most locales, it is probably frowned upon to fish if you’re not dressed.) …
Orvis’ Fools: Its Not that Crazy

I am not a huge fain of April Fools’ Day. Primarily for the reason that I am already quite skeptical of anything and everything I read online. But I do enjoy the yearly gags that some companies routinely roll out. Orvis’ efforts, with all the marketing power at their disposal, are usually worth a smile. …
There are Flies on My Shirt
The Presidential Fly Fishness Test

For many children of the past 75 years, there was a certain rhythm to the school year. Field days, D.A.R.E. presentations, and book fairs marked the passage of educational time. Another momentous milestone, loved by some and abhorred by most, was the Presidential Fitness Test. Although there were older iterations, JFK cranked this exercise in …
Fighting Supernatural Nature

On a warm, overcast fall morning the fish were jumping all across the pond. With every stroke of the paddle, there was a flash under water or ripples on the surface. Baitfish skittered. Lazy insects disappeared in loud slurps. Fish shot out of the water, presumably for the joy only comprehendible to the simple mind …