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Tag: Fly Tying

VIDEO: Dozens of Fly Tying Experts, One Book

A good fly tying demonstration doesn’t just give you the how. It also throws the what and why in to really help you understand what you’re doing. The best ones? They add high-quality photographs, throw in some anecdotes, and reference the top voices in fishing today. Sound like a high standard? Well, Tim Cammisa of …

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New Tying Gear from Loon for Beginners & Pros

Nearly every fly tyer wants to get better. With focused repetition, patterns become more consistent and come together more quickly.  It isn’t in the cards for everyone who sits behind a vise to produce professional-looking bugs. It isn’t necessary, either. Practice makes productive flies that fill boxes and catch fish. Along with guidance, know-how, and …

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Honing the Craft: Tied in the Catskills

There are more storied pools, riffles, and confluences in New York’s Catskills region than many states can boast in total.  Theodore Gordon,  Joan Wulff, and the Dettes are just a few of the prominent names that are associated with the tight concentration of valleys. But countless other men and women have chased trout, tied flies, …

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Podcast Ep. 269: Dumbing Down Fly Tying

I mean that in the absolutely most positive way possible. Heck, I had to dumb down my fly tying when I started (and restarted) so that I didn’t get so frustrated that I threw my vice through the wall. So, apologies out of the way, what do I mean by dumbing down fly tying? Some …

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Trout & Feather: April ’23

There are plenty of reasons why you might hire a fly fishing guide. The most common reason is that you’re taking a trip, so you want to optimize your angling opportunity. It might also be the case that you have to have a guide to access a particular stretch of water. Or, you could be …

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Lizards & Largemouth

The small college I attended in South Carolina was situated on a significant piece of land in the state’s Piedmont region.  There were rolling sand hills covered in pine trees, and sharp bluffs overlooking a broad river. We also had two ponds. Each held significant populations of the premier fish of the American south: the …

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Trout & Feather: December ’22

There have been countless ecological missteps taken by those attempting to protect fish because of errors in identification. Some were understandable, given the technology at the time. Others, including those of the last few generations, really stem from relying on hasty or superficial investigation. Anglers, who are not only the beneficiaries of conservation efforts but …

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Podcast Ep. 214: How to Start Tying Flies

STOP! If you’re a veteran fly tyer or if you’ve decided that fly tying just isn’t your thing, this podcast is still for you. There are a lot of “bad first steps” for people who are interested in taking up fly tying. In this episode, I share what I believe to be the first three …

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Trout & Feather: September ’22

Digital media is phenomenal. Even for an activity as niche as fly fishing, there are streaming videos, eBooks, and a cornucopia of online options. The information is dynamic, engaging, and relevant. But a day will come when the power is out and the devices aren’t charged. Alternatively, you might want something that is a little …

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