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Tag: Fly Rods

Podcast Ep. 121: 5 or 6? The Weight Debate

A fly fishing debate as old as the rivers themselves: Which weight should you fish if you want the quintessential trout fly rod? First of all, there is no right answer. That doesn’t stop me from trying to answer, though. I go through a handful of categories and considerations that lead me to answer this …

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Getting the Value Out of Your New Fly Rod

So, you’ve just purchased a brand new fly rod. Congratulations! You’re probably holding the tube right now. It feels good, doesn’t it? But go ahead, open it up. Take the butt section out of the sock. Remove the plastic from the cork. Okay, now you can’t return it. Maybe that is for the best. Because …

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Throwback Gear Review: Sage VPS

Fly fishing gear is a big part of Casting Across. I’ve always enjoyed the aesthetics, the marketing, and, most importantly, the function of fly fishing gear. Consequently, I’ll review new products on the site from time to time. But appreciating fly fishing gear shouldn’t only be about  the latest model or newest technology. The things …

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Casting Across: A “Top 3” Year in Review

Happy (early) New Year from Casting Across! First of all: Thank you for reading, listening, and being a part of Casting Across. With everything that 2020 brought, this website, podcast, and community has been a positive constant. Hopefully something I wrote or said helped you get on the water and get through the difficulty of …

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Throwback Gear Review: St. Croix Avid

Fly fishing gear is a big part of Casting Across. I’ve always enjoyed the aesthetics, the marketing, and, most importantly, the function of fly fishing gear. Consequently, I’ll review new products on the site from time to time. But appreciating fly fishing gear shouldn’t only be about  the latest model or newest technology. The things …

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3 Easy Steps for Fly Rod Care

If you own a bamboo fly rod, you’ve probably spent a good amount of time reading various approaches to maintenance. The nature of the grass blanks and metal ferrules  leads to some necessary, extra attention. If you own graphite or fiberglass fly rods, hopefully you’ve also put some effort into keeping your fishing gear clean. …

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Kickstarter: On The Fly Rod Holder

There are days when I leave my car in the morning and don’t see it again until I’m ready to call it quits. Those are good, long days of fly fishing. Just as frequently, I’ll fish a little bit here and then head over there to fish that hole. Maybe I’ll leave the river to …

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Podcast Ep. 87: Sneak a Little Fishing In

If you can negotiate some time on the water, then you should absolutely sneak some fishing into your family trip. Want my advice? Don’t bring what you would normally bring on a fishing trip. Pack lighter. Be it out of necessity or simply to keep the peace, choose what you’re hauling along with coolers, strollers, …

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