Unless you have just come off the river after a months-long fishing expedition, you are well aware that things are not great. In fact, things are trout-detritus crazy. I have opinions on all the goings-on. If you read Casting Across with a discerning eye or listen to some of the more unscripted moments from the …
Tag: Culture
Podcast Ep. 295: F-I-S-H in the U-S-A
Happy Independence Day from Casting Across! On today’s episode, I’m sharing a tangentially-related collection of topics. While I do discuss giving trout some space in the hottest weather, the bulk of the podcast is about the great situation we find ourself in the United States. Things aren’t perfect. They’re far from it. But that is …
Honing the Craft: Tied in the Catskills
There are more storied pools, riffles, and confluences in New York’s Catskills region than many states can boast in total. Theodore Gordon, Joan Wulff, and the Dettes are just a few of the prominent names that are associated with the tight concentration of valleys. But countless other men and women have chased trout, tied flies, …
Word on the Stream Is…
If it’s out there, there is a good chance that you can find it online. Google it has become synonymous with figure it out. With a few taps on your screen, you can get anything you want (and a lot you don’t). But there are still some things that can’t be found on the internet. …
In Memoriam: Opening Day of Trout Season
I mentioned going fishing this weekend. “No,” he quickly replied. “Next weekend is opening day.” He was right, from a certain point of view. Opening day for trout ponds is next weekend. But in this state the vast majority of water had been open since New Year’s Day, after a brief hiatus for the fall …
Time in a Bottle
You’re never going to look back, excited about the mornings you slept in. It will never be the half-way, B- for effort fishing that you’ll remember. It will always be the mornings when the coffee couldn’t come soon enough. The times when you had to wait and watch the minutes tick by before you could …
Podcast Ep. 280: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXVIII
This installation of “fly fishing accusations” is all about dogmatic opinions. Included are convictions regarding: wading boot soles angling literature the exclusivity claims of Christianity Does that last one sound like it might not fit in with the others? Well, if the feedback I received from a recent article is any indication: it certainly does. …
Podcast Ep. 278: [Cast1] The Culture of Fly Fishing
Is fly fishing just you, a rod, and a fish? In one sense, it is. But in a much broader, more realistic way of thinking about things it certainly is not. There are a lot more people doing what you do, and being a part of that culture is not only unavoidable but enriching. Today …
Why Fly Fishing Means Something
Fly fishing means a lot to me. I genuinely, truly enjoy being outdoors chasing fish with a fly rod. Make no mistake about that. And I am so appreciative of the experiences and opportunities that fly fishing has afforded me. Most recently, with Casting Across. But over the past 25 years I have met remarkable …
Social Media is the Opposite of Fly Fishing
Why do you think your gear is inadequate? Why are you unsatisfied with the places you go and the fish that you catch? What has lead you to question your legal, preferred technique? How much time have you spent angry in comment sections? Why has another angler you’ve never met, and probably never will meet, …