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There’s No Trout There

“Ain’t no fish in there.” I’m confident that by fish he meant trout. Because there was, without a doubt, fish in this creek. Suckers finned in the clear pools. Dace chased little olives and midges. Suckers and dace are certainly fish. But few people with full vests and fancy fly rods are actively looking for …

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9:2025 in Fly Fishing

As is holiday tradition, I’m keeping things brief this New Year’s Day. Using the magic of social media algorithms, I was provided with these nine images from this past year. Although I shared three big lessons I learned in 2024 earlier this week, I figured I could offer up nine pieces of encouragement as well. …

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The Amateur

The article was about the drudgery of nymphing in the coldest weather or storing waders for the winter or something that insinuated taking a break from fly fishing was an option. Apparently it triggered some people. A few comments and emails rolled in, questioning my angling bona fides and stating that any fly fisher worth …

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Podcast Ep. 315: The Wal-Mart Angler

A random errand led to my being face-to-face with a $20 fly rod/reel/line combo. It even came with flies. Around me, people were shopping for car batteries and Barbie dolls. I examined the reel. I assessed the flies. I debated scanning the QR code on the  package. It wasn’t for me, but it didn’t look …

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9 Thoughts for 9 Years

This week marks 9 years of Casting Across. Since October of 2015,  three posts a week have been published on the people, places, and things that go into the pursuit of fish. First and foremost, Casting Across is a creative outlet for me. It has been a way for me to flex muscles in a …

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Podcast Ep. 311: Voting Fly Fishing… & More

Did you know that is a presidential election year?!? Since I think the “rule” to avoid talking about money, religion, and politics is stupid, I talk about politics today on the podcast. But I think you’d agree that it is more philosophical than partisan.  And it has to do with fly fishing. I promise. And …

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The Trout Will Come Back

The trout will come back. But that is little consolation to the families of the hundreds who have died in the path and wake of Hurricane Helene. Ripping through Florida and  Georgia before pounding the Carolinas, the storm did immense damage to the southern Appalachians.  The usual coastal and flatland issues associated with wind and …

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Give to Vocation, Receive from Leisure

Work is not antithetical to recreation. The inescapable dichotomy within time allocation  doesn’t demand  disjunction. That is to say, it is more appropriate to consider work and recreation as complimentary. And complimentary things aren’t better and worse. They are different and necessarily different. Labor and rest need one another. Misconceptions about this come from a …

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Podcast Ep. 301: Fly Fishing Accusations, 30

Well, I’m breaking with tradition for this one. I’m not calling it “Fly Fishing Accusations XXX.” That said, there are some interesting segments in this episode. I get a little fired up about how people feel the need to police the fishing gear designed to solve problems. I also circle back to fallfish, tenkara, and …

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