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Tag: Brook Trout

Getting a Little Lost Fly Fishing

When was the last time that you got a little lost? Anything counts: hiking or driving, in the woods or in the city. GPS, and the ubiquity of that technology – particularly on smart phones, has made getting lost an infrequent occurrence in this day and age. Survival skills training for 95% of North America …

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Gone Fishing: Wild

This morning I had about two hours before an appointment. Since said appointment is a fly fishing appointment, it seemed fitting that I “pre game” with some time on the water. Driving from my home into the mountains, I passed dozens of great streams. I could have fished for early season bass. There were trout …

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Fly Fishing for Coelacanth

I just want to say this up front: I don’t know if coelacanth is singular, plural, or both. For the sake of this post I’m going to assume that the obscurity of this fish is going to hide my ignorance. Imagine catching a brook trout in an urban waterway in New York City. That would …

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Fly Fishing the Blue Lines? Try “No Lining”

Scrolling through Google Maps in the Appalachians can be a little overstimulating for a fly fisher. Every valley, hollow, and mountain pass has a blue line of varying width running through it. Generally, every blue line will contain trout. The problem is that not every line contains enough trout to warrant a trip. Especially on …

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To Seek Out Small Trout

To the average person, the idea of catching small fish probably doesn’t hold much appeal. There is a cultural meme, for what has surely been centuries, that involves the besmirching of anglers that can only catch little fish. Not to demean conventional anglers, but even most fly fishers don’t get excited over the prospect of …

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Fly Fishing & the Back Roads of Memory

I used to keep track of all the placed that I fished. In a black and white composition book, I’d jot down the name of the stream or pond. When I had the time, the species of fish I caught would also be noted. It never got to the point of writing down conditions or …

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Last Cast of the Week: 10/14/2016

Most Fridays on Casting Across are  devoted to other people’s contributions in the fly fishing community. Articles, pictures, social media accounts, videos, podcasts, products, and more will be featured on The Last Cast of the Week. Today, I’m sharing items from Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition, Fly Fishing Collaborative, & Cyclops. If you’d like to be …

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An Additional Autumnal Observance (also Alliterative)

Earlier this week I shared four fall fly fishing fixes.  A “fix,” of course, is simply a compromised synonym for “tip” imposed to create a clever sounding title. Oh well, it’s what’s on the inside (of the article) that counts. After posting the piece, rereading it, and seeing how hundreds of other people have read …

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Trout Quixote. three.

This is the fourth part in this series. Read the first here , the second here, and the third here. Subscribe by entering your email address in the right sidebar to receive a notification of new content on Casting Across. So I obviously didn’t catch a trout. That, as you are very well aware, is a …

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