This trout came to hand as the result of a lot of choices. I chose to do some work to find this fish. There are plenty of times when I just want to catch something. Bass, sunfish, and even trout will fit the bill. And they can be found with relative ease in water bodies …
Tag: Brook Trout
Trout & Feather: February
Fly fishing isn’t necessary in the same sense as food, shelter, and health are. But the peace and respite it provides are invaluable for us. So we’re planning on going fishing. Whether it be because of travel restrictions, health concerns, or financial limitations, going fishing has meant staying fishing for a lot of people. Thankfully, …
New Spin on an Old Finn
Who hasn’t seen a Mickey Finn? The fly has a history that goes back at least 100 years. It has enjoyed staying power for the simple reason that it catches fish. Consequently, it is a fly that you’ll find in assortments sold to beginners as well as on the vises of seasoned experts. Living in …
5 Minutes More & One Last Cast, part III
His habit, or compulsion, was to repeat himself often while alone and on the water. A full monologue to an audience of zero was crazy. A clever quip, repeated numerous times may very well pass as three-quarters sane. “If you’re going to fall, better to do it in front of people so they can laugh …
5 Minutes More & One Last Cast, part II
The angler is always unnerved when holding a fly rod and simultaneously hearing a crack. Even when a hand or eye is on the branch being broken, the ear startles the mind into thinking the thing broken is the thing that shouldn’t be broken. Sliding down the rock face, trying to keep himself upright and …
5 Minutes More & One Last Cast, part I
“Of course it would be on my last cast.” He muttered this primarily to himself. He was also aware that he was muttering those and other, more colorful, sentiments to any startled woodland creatures in the immediate vicinity. That is if they all hadn’t vacated the entire valley from the noise he had quickly stirred …
Podcast Ep. 111: Fly Fishing Storytime
Merry Christmas from Casting Across! Since this episode is being released on the night of Christmas Eve, I thought I’d go ahead and do something a little different. Nostalgia and tradition is a big part of the holiday season. Stories of those who came before us and the way things used to be come part …
Quasi-Ironic Trout
After hundreds of casts, dozens of holes, and double-digit miles, I caught the best trout right next to the parking lot. Add to all that the fact that I had no business being ready to fish. Why did it happen the way that it did? I don’t know. But I’ve caught enough fish in quasi-ironic …
When to Stop Fishing
This was probably my last New England brook trout of the season. The conditions were right on an unseasonably fall weekend and I got out after them. The water was warm and the fish were willing to play ball. I caught almost every one out of deep, slow water. I avoided riffles and runs – …
Trout & Feather: July
This month on Trout & Feather, my post is called Fly Fishing Past. There are also some great tying tutorials to be found, including the “perfect” jig nymph. Where is the farthest point upstream you’ve fished on your favorite river? What do you think is a little past that? And, if you were being adventurous, …