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Tag: Brook Trout

A Quick, Great Film on Helping Adirondack Brookies

I only come across a few things in fly fishing that captivate me right off the bat. In my opinion, the short films that Frequent Flyers Fishing have been putting out in such a short period of time fall squarely into that category. These guys tell simple, straightforward, and meaningful stories. Most importantly, their work …

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VIDEO: The Best Brook Trout Books

Some of the earliest English writing about the new world included descriptions of the fish that were encountered. Some of those fish were brook trout, and the words penned about these amazing little char have only increased over the centuries. There are many books that focus on brookies. Some focus on history or lore. Others …

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Podcast Ep. 308: In Appalachia

This episode is an overflow of this week. On the website I’ve focused on the region that has been most impacted by Hurricane Helene, and I’m going to continue to do so on the podcast. Even though southern Appalachia is remote and wild, it is incredibly close to so the vast majority of those who …

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Podcast Ep. 290: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXIX

10 episodes away from 300, and I couldn’t have done it without you. And when it comes to these regular “Accusations” podcasts, I literally couldn’t do it without you. Because every 10 episodes, I interact with questions and comments from listeners and readers. Emails have been coming in fast lately. It was hard to pick …

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No Fishing, for Trout’s Sake

Luray, Virginia: Effective immediately, Shenandoah National Park’s streams and rivers are closed to fishing due to low stream flows and high water temperatures. This closure is being implemented to ensure the long term health of the fish populations in the park. Dry conditions have led to extremely low stream flows throughout the Park, including some …

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Happy Inevitable Transitions

Close up camp. Back to school. Don’t wear white. Labor Day does not sound like a whole lot of fun. But summer is only a short nine months away. And fall is pretty spectacular. Plus there is the fact that you can’t alter the rotation of the earth and the resultant seasons so there is …

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Never Enough Small Trout

Orange fins. Blue halos around red dots. Dark parr marks that span the vertical transition of vermiculated olive back to dusty golden sides. That milky white belly. I can not get enough. And  I hope I never will. As an eastern angler, and a passionate devotee of all things small stream, I think about juvenile …

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Podcast Ep. 243: A Fin in the Water of Trout Genetics

The eye does amazing things. With our vision alone, we can discern and identify a dazzling array of variables. You can see intricate vermiculation lines across the back of a brook trout, unique spot patterns on  a mountain cutthroat, or a shimmering azure cheek of a wild brown trout. And while that counts for a …

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Podcast Ep. 238: Approaching Mountain Trout

They’re not the biggest or most technically-challenging fish, but there is something special about a wild trout caught high up in the mountains. And while those who spend a lot of time walking trails with fly rod in hand know that it is possible to catch dozens of feisty trout in these secluded creeks, this …

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Trout are Tough

I am all for the safe handling of fish; especially trout. But I’ve seen plenty of things in my decades of being outdoors to dispel any assertions that trout are delicate organisms living their lives in constant threat of mortal peril. You can kill a fish if you’re careless. They’re also a lot more robust …

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