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Headwaters: Stories Following Rivers & Life

“Headwaters.” Dylan Tomine  said the name of his book. I asked him why he chose that title. He  repeated headwaters out loud not because he was thinking of an answer, but because the title and the word have meaning. “Headwaters to me is all about tracing the beginning of something. The book is not so …

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Podcast Ep. 163: Fly Fishing Reading, pt. 2

What are you reading? That is a great question to ask someone. It opens up so many doors for conversation. Within the fly fishing community, there is a good chance that everyone has read something recently. Books, blogs, and even marketing emails use language to communicate our shared passion. But there is something special about …

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Fly Fishing Books, XI

“What do you want?” Whether it is Christmas, a birthday, or an anniversary coming up, you know you’re going to get this question. You might have some really practical thing that you need. Or, you might want something fun. Something fly fishing-related, even. But for many, picking out gear is an incredibly personal process. It …

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The Heroes of Fishing Stories

The best heroes are flawed. The simplest explanation for this is that we can identified with such a person. Sure, there are plenty of deep literary nuances that a reader with an analytical mind can probe and ponder while reading about protagonists with obvious shortcomings. That is fine. For most of us, we read ourselves …

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Written on Water: Stories of Maine’s Grand Lake Stream

Grand Lake Stream sits only a short canoe ride from the Maine/New Brunswick border. For centuries, anglers from all over Maine, New England, and points much further away have come up to explore this remote tip of the country. They are rewarded with smallmouth bass, brook trout, and the much-coveted landlocked salmon. There are plenty …

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Fly Fishing Books, X

How does your fly fishing library look? Along with keeping tabs on your favorite fly fishing websites, what tangible resources do you keep within arms’ reach? At and given point in time, I have one fly fishing book that I’m working my way through. Often it gets whatever is left after a day of work …

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The Fly Fishing Syllabus

“Hi Matthew. Ashleigh gave me your number. I’m not a fly fisherman, but I’m interested in getting into it. Anyways, we’re thinking about offering a class and wondered if you would have any interest in teaching it. Think about it and give me a call back.” It was hardly a big break. However, after trying …

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Podcast Ep. 121: 5 or 6? The Weight Debate

A fly fishing debate as old as the rivers themselves: Which weight should you fish if you want the quintessential trout fly rod? First of all, there is no right answer. That doesn’t stop me from trying to answer, though. I go through a handful of categories and considerations that lead me to answer this …

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Fly Fishing Books, IX

I like to think of Casting Across as a platform that gets you to do something. That isn’t meant in some kind of manipulative or creepy sense. I just don’t envision you reading my writing and listening to my podcasting as ends unto themselves. They’re meant to be a step unto something else. I want …

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Podcast Ep. 111: Fly Fishing Storytime

Merry Christmas from Casting Across! Since this episode is being released on the night of Christmas Eve, I thought I’d go ahead and do something a little different. Nostalgia and tradition is a big part of the holiday season. Stories of those who came before us and the way things used to be come part …

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