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Winners (& How You Can, Too!)

Did you have an opportunity to read my review of Marina Gibson’s new release, Cast, Catch, Release? If so, hopefully you signed up for a chance to win one of five copies of the book I’m giving away. Moreover, hopefully your name is one of the five listed below. Why? Because that is where I …

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Earth Day Books from My Other Library

I don’t celebrate Earth Day. But I think about the environment quite a bit. And I do so from within a worldview that forces me to reckon with nature, my place in it, and the entire trajectory of the created order. If you have been around Casting Across for any length of time, you are …

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Reelly: Believe the Fly Fishing Unbelievable

“What is the most unbelievable thing that has happened on the river?” After guiding for decades, Ryan Johnston has probably heard that query more than a few times. The result is Reelly. In asking a question like that, some people are  looking to be amazed. Some are probably looking for dirt.  Johnston’s book is not …

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Podcast Ep. 280: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXVIII

This installation of “fly fishing accusations” is all about dogmatic opinions. Included are convictions regarding: wading boot soles angling literature the exclusivity claims of Christianity Does that last one sound like it might not fit  in with the others? Well, if the feedback I received from a recent article is any indication: it certainly does. …

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Spoils of the Hunt

I love fly fishing. I also love books. I don’t have to work very hard to convince myself, or anyone else for that matter, that  these two things  go together  quite well. There are many new and good books out there. Hopefully they are available at your local fly shop; they are definitively within reach …

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Cracked: Opening a Book Tearing Down Dams

Virtually anyone who looks at the big picture of our nation’s waterways will see that the infatuation with dams of all shapes and sizes was significantly  inflated. Whether it be giant structures that cut salmon off from hundreds of miles of spawning habitat or a small concrete abutment that  led to flooding, the overuse of …

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Healing Waters: An Important Fly Fishing Book

While there are countless fly fishing books, only a handful are truly important. Some novels are important because they capture the whole of fly fishing so well, in turn captivating audiences generation after generation. Books that explore technique can be important if they perfectly articulate an aspect of angling or pioneer a new paradigm.  Such …

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Top Fly Fishing Books for Kids

There are few gifts that you can give a child that can have as much of an impact as a book. Between the valuable skill of reading and the even more special benefit of reading together, a book does things that few toys or electronics can. A quick search online will yield plenty of titles …

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Fly Fishing Summer Reading Challenge

June. July. August. Summer means bass chasing poppers, stripers crashing in the surf, and long hikes to still-chilly mountain trout creeks. These three months have a lot going for them. I’m not too fond of the heat, but I’m quite partial to the fishing… and the vacations, the evenings on the deck, and the ever-so-subtle …

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The Angler’s Glossary

“Everything that can be said, can be said clearly.” This quip from philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein should be taken to heart by politicians, lawyers, and anglers. A great gulf exists between common linguistics and the semantics needed in the tackle aisle at the local sporting goods store. And not even Merriam-Webster can help a beginner fisherman …

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