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Podcast Ep. 319: A Casting Across Christmas

Merry (early) Christmas from Casting Across! Along with sharing some exciting news for the upcoming year, I return to a holiday tradition that has been a part of the podcast for a handful of seasons. It isn’t exactly my reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, but I think you will appreciate the selection even more …

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Curating Your Own Fly Fishing Library

Even though shelf space is limited, a good fly fishing book is worth having. And, especially around the holidays, it is worth giving or receiving. If you fly fish, you might consider building up your own fly fishing library. It doesn’t have to be stack after stack, stocked with first editions and rare old-world volumes. …

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Kids Agree: All Fish Are Awesome

My four boys love the outdoors. My four boys also love reading. Needless to say, there was a lot of interest when I opened up All Fish Are Awesome earlier this week. Noel Vick’s book follows the simple formula that makes children’s books readable and re-readable (and if your child chooses, the latter can be …

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A Different Kind of Fly Fishing Book

There is a very good chance that the first four or five fishing books you’ll name fall into one of the main literary sub-genres: memoirs, novels, techniques, or guides. And although there are enough quality entries in those categories to keep you going for quite a while, perhaps you’re looking to switch things up. How …

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I’ve Never Reviewed a John Gierach Book

I never met the man either. But from those interviews of him that I’ve read or heard, I’m confident that he’d have a  few sardonic quips about some of the superlatives I’m about to assign to him. I’ve never reviewed a John Gierach book because they’re the best. His books are the best in the …

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Time for a Good Book: A Fly Fishing Library

I love reading. I love fly fishing. It goes without saying that I truly enjoy a good fly fishing book. For nearly nine years, I’ve been sharing books with those reading and listening to Casting Across. From guidebooks to technical volumes to famous pieces of literature, there have been recommendations of all shapes and sizes. …

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River Songs: A Review of A Hit

Why? Why read, let alone purchase one more compilation of loosely collected fly fishing stories? Why not, if the stories are compelling? If they are well-written? If they resonate with you and with me even if our experiences and lives differ significantly? If the words  elicit that special mix of escapism and entertainment? If the …

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Life and Death in the Middle: A Review

I have a soft spot for books filled with two- and three-page stories. Perhaps it is because I grew up reading outdoor magazines. It could be that I prefer to write in a short format. Or, it may very well be the case that I have succumbed to the short attention span beguiling so many …

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Studying Foreign Waters

Recently I spent an afternoon perusing used book stores in a local town. Along with the fatigue associated with bending over, craning my neck, and constantly shifting from reading vertically to horizontally, I noticed something else. There were a lot of intriguing fly fishing books. Twaddle aside, I appreciate and truly enjoy all angling literature. …

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