Home » River Songs: A Review of A Hit

River Songs: A Review of A Hit

Why? Why read, let alone purchase one more compilation of loosely collected fly fishing stories?

Why not, if the stories are compelling? If they are well-written? If they resonate with you and with me even if our experiences and lives differ significantly? If the words  elicit that special mix of escapism and entertainment? If the end of the chapter compels you to take in one more, even though your eyes are heavy and its just one more fly fishing story? Why not?

Steve Duda’s River Songs: Moments of Wild Wonder in Fly Fishing is a positive answer to those questions.

Along with his fair share of fly fishing bona fides, the author has a sizeable resume that spans editing The Flyfish Journal to contributing to Rolling Stone. Needless to say, he brings something interesting and notable to the genre.

Structurally River Songs is a pleasure to consume. With the aforementioned abundance of this kind of book, this is an important quality. Between each of the 14 chapters there are short “songs” – quicker stories, really – which hit with the concise word-count economy of a top-tier blog post. The rhythm of long/short/long/short  is indeed helpful for distracted or weary readers. More importantly, it allows Duda to  utilize his voice with some of the punch and richness that comes with brevity.

The most dominant aspect of the book is the bold storytelling. As I mentioned above, my experience and my worldview certainly differ from the author’s. We don’t even fish in the same places. Yet the point where our lives meet is on a river chasing fish. Duda ably treats “how to catch a carp” while also diving into “considering my own mortality.” It is the real voice of a real man who sits on a real tailgate talking to other, real anglers.

Strip all of that away, and River Songs is filled with fine writing. It is a joy to read. The language, the metaphors, and the descriptions of large and small things are worded exceptionally.  With so many books of fly fishing stories out there, this is the kind of thing that ought to separate the good books from the serviceable volumes.

I certainly recommend Steve Duda’s River Songs. It is a  quick read that offers much more than your average compilation of angling reflections. He is a good writer who understands fly fishing. Often the reader gets one or the other. When both are present, a small hardback book feels like a good purchase indeed.

River Songs: Moments of Wild Wonder in Fly Fishing by Steve Duda is available online. But don’t hesitate to ask about it at your local bookstore or fly shop.

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