Home » Officially Labor Day, Unofficially…

Officially Labor Day, Unofficially…

Due to their respective locations on the calendar, Memorial Day and Labor day are considered as the unofficial beginning and end points of summer. While Memorial Day has  deep and somber implications for all Americans, Labor Day is a much more light-hearted affair. I’m not downplaying the impact that workers and tradesmen have had on our nation. If anything, these men and women would appreciate you busting out your red, white, and blue swim trunks while you grill hot dogs on a paid holiday.

All that said, I’m recommending you treat this Labor Day as an unofficial get out while the getting is good for outdoor activities. Winter is coming. So go hiking, camping, paddling, and fly fishing while you still can. Do it today, on the holiday. Do it this weekend, while everyone is watching football. Do it on the first chilly morning when all social media is buzzing about sweaters and pumpkin spice. Do it now, on Labor Day.

Sure, there is plenty of charm in the colder-weather versions of wilderness pursuits. But we pine for wet wading and sunshine, not long underwear and 5:00pm sunsets.

Regardless of if you’re working or not, are part of a union family or not, or get a chance to go outside or not, happy Labor Day from Casting Across.

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