Home » VIDEO: Messing with Fly Fishing in Texas? Start Here

VIDEO: Messing with Fly Fishing in Texas? Start Here

Texas is a big place. And contrary to many stereotypes non-Texans may have from watching westerns, there is a lot of water across the state.

If there is water, there are likely fish. And if there are fish, you can cast a fly to them. Even in some of the biggest cites in the country.

That is the point of The Local Angler series, with Dallas being the most recent entry. I’ve been quite pleased with the quality of the information and presentation in these books. So whether you’re  a native Texan or one of the many transplants, whether you travel there for business or for pleasure; these books are certainly worth flipping through to get excited for some real fish in real interesting places.

And yes… I know that one of the books was upside-down in the video. 

Watch what else I have to say about the books, and find out where you can pick them up, below:

Look for The Local Angler series at your favorite bookseller, or go to the Imbrifex Books series page.

Be sure to head (and subscribe) to the   Casting Across YouTube page  for more videos.

Want even  more book reviews? Head to the  Casting Across Fly Fishing Library.

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