Home » Podcast Ep. 298: Tenkara

Podcast Ep. 298: Tenkara

*Trigger Warning* I know some people have Tenkara Derangement Syndrome. Breathe deeply, you’ll get through this.

Whether you’ve dabbled in this Japanese style of angling or not, it has made a modest splash in the American fly fishing scene. Depending on where and how you fish, it may be a good fit for your gear collection.

Although only a fraction of my time on the water includes using Tenkara gear, I’ve come to appreciate it  for some special circumstances. Today I share what a few of those are, and why you might consider picking up one of these small, versatile rods.

Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app.

Episode Recommendation:  Complete Tenkara Sets from Tenkara USA

The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast is a part of the  Waypoint TV podcast network.

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  1. Thanks for the common sense approach to discussing various styles of (fly) fishing. The gatekeeping amongst fellow fly anglers is just silly. Even that fact that fishing media often feels the need for a disclaimer before mentioning tenkara is strange. Tenkara may not be the idea tool for every fishing scenario (it’s not), but it’s excellent for what it is designed to do in mountain streams.

    Our site, Tenkara Angler, is one of the better established content hubs of the tenkara community. We’d welcome any of your readers that are curious about learning more about this style of fishing to visit. https://tenkaraangler.com/


    Thanks for sharing your views of using Tenkara. I would add to the unique advantages is it’s use for disabled anglers or for anglers suffering from any joint injuries.

    In the future you might want to investigate how some enthusiasts have expanded it’s use for larger species, including carp, salmon, and bonefish. e.g., Karin Z Miller, Zen Tamara


    • Matthew says:

      Hi Ralph,
      Excellent points all around. I’ve attended a talk that Miller gave regarding catching large fish on tenkara. It definitely is a challenge that some pursue with enthusiasm.

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