Home » Podcast Ep. 295: F-I-S-H in the U-S-A

Podcast Ep. 295: F-I-S-H in the U-S-A

Happy Independence Day from Casting Across!

On today’s episode, I’m sharing a tangentially-related collection of topics. While I do discuss giving trout some space in the hottest weather, the bulk of the podcast is about the great situation we find ourself in the United States. Things aren’t perfect. They’re far from it. But that is the human condition, after all. That said, our angling opportunities and access here are exceptional. We have that foundation to build on, so we shouldn’t squander it by not engaging in free speech together.

Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app.

Episode Recommendation:  the Redington Butter Stick

The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast is a part of the  Waypoint TV podcast network.

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