Home » Podcast Ep. 294: Deciphering Fish Body Language

Podcast Ep. 294: Deciphering Fish Body Language

Thousands of aquarium aficionados concerned about the stress levels of their tropical fish can’t be wrong. And from an anecdotal angling perspective, I agree with them.

You can  gain insight into what a fish is going to do by watching it’s body language.

While it isn’t an empirical exercise, there are some tells in fish behavior that can  clue you in as to when to keep going, change tactics, or just keep on moving. I cover a handful of observations in this episode. As usual, there are countless resources on this and hopefully these 20 minutes will pique your interest.

Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app.

Episode Recommendation: Costa’s Sunrise Silver Mirror lenses

The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast is a part of the  Waypoint TV podcast network.

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