Home » Podcast Ep. 292: [Cast1] Small Stream Fly Fishing

Podcast Ep. 292: [Cast1] Small Stream Fly Fishing

We are back with another entry in the Cast1 series.

Today, the discussion is all about small stream fly fishing. For many, pulling up to a tiny cascading creek is the epitome of an angling adventure. But until you’ve had that experience, the idea of fishing in a veritable trickle might not only be intimidating; it might seem ridiculous.

While there is so much to share regarding this topic, this episode covers some of the most essential aspects of getting a lot out of little water.

Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app.

Episode Recommendation: Darkhorse wading boots by Korkers

The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast is a part of the  Waypoint TV podcast network.

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One comment


    When you were discussing fly rod requirements, I kept thinking of a Tenkara rod. Have you fished small streams with one? It also works well having light and short equipment to get through brush

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