Home » Podcast Ep. 290: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXIX

Podcast Ep. 290: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXIX

10 episodes away from 300, and I couldn’t have done it without you.

And when it comes to these regular “Accusations” podcasts, I literally couldn’t do it without you. Because every 10 episodes, I interact with questions and comments from listeners and readers.

Emails have been coming in fast lately. It was hard to pick just three, so I went with a relatively mixed bag: gear questions, fly suggestions, and a deep trout conspiracy with Biblical ties.

Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app.

Episode Recommendation: Read Casting Across the week of 6/3 for a giveaway!

The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast is a part of the  Waypoint TV podcast network.

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