The eye does amazing things. With our vision alone, we can discern and identify a dazzling array of variables. You can see intricate vermiculation lines across the back of a brook trout, unique spot patterns on a mountain cutthroat, or a shimmering azure cheek of a wild brown trout. And while that counts for a lot, it doesn’t take into account what makes a trout what it is: genetics.
Today’s episode is truly just a surface-scratching introduction to the aesthetic and conservation value that genetic research brings to the table in the world of trout. Along with a brief introduction and a few examples, I send you towards some organizations and people who can give you more data than you can handle.
Listen to the episode below, or on your favorite podcast app.
Episode Recommendation: Trout Power
The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast is a part of the Waypoint TV podcast network.
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