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VIDEO: Ranking the Fly Fishing Works of James Prosek

Twenty years ago, it was virtually impossible to come across a fly fishing book section and not see a few titles from James Prosek. Quality writing and exceptional painting led his work to be instantly embraced by the angling community. And while he has over a dozen publications, there are a half dozen that are …

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VIDEO: Dozens of Fly Tying Experts, One Book

A good fly tying demonstration doesn’t just give you the how. It also throws the what and why in to really help you understand what you’re doing. The best ones? They add high-quality photographs, throw in some anecdotes, and reference the top voices in fishing today. Sound like a high standard? Well, Tim Cammisa of …

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VIDEO: Learning from Lefty – Top Fly Fishing Books

With everything available online to the fly angler  today, what is the value in picking up a big, static, book? Well, there is a lot. Today I share where books fit into the greater landscape of fly fishing learning. And one of the primary criteria for a book to achieve prominent status is the credentials …

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VIDEO: The Authority on Pennsylvania Limestone Streams

One of the most important facets of anything done for fun or profit is the individuals who will dive deep into the minutiae of things. While the quantity or specificity might not be for everyone, the consequential byproducts usually benefit everyone. While I personally love the intricate detail of A. Joseph Armstrong’s Trout Unlimited Guide …

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VIDEO: The Best Brook Trout Books

Some of the earliest English writing about the new world included descriptions of the fish that were encountered. Some of those fish were brook trout, and the words penned about these amazing little char have only increased over the centuries. There are many books that focus on brookies. Some focus on history or lore. Others …

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VIDEO: A Trout Education Right on Your Bookshelf

You could find a university that has an online program that also offers a class on trout and salmon. That is an option. Or you could get a copy of Dr. Robert Behnke’s Trout and Salmon of North America. This book contains a wealth of information directly from the man who was the foremost salmonid …

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VIDEO: Underrated Trouting

Last week I kicked off a new content series on Casting Across. This is the second YouTube book review, and there are at least another ten scheduled to come out in the next months. I started with Healing Waters by Beau Beasley. It is a newer book that deals with some of the most important …

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VIDEO: Healing Waters

Fly fishers ought to know the power of this pursuit and the potential for good they, as participants, possess. This is why  Healing Waters  by Beau Beasley is an important book. While certainly not a pleasure read, it communicates something vital about humanity, it’s frailty, it’s resilience, and how something as simple as fishing can …

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