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Podcast Ep. 243: A Fin in the Water of Trout Genetics

The eye does amazing things. With our vision alone, we can discern and identify a dazzling array of variables. You can see intricate vermiculation lines across the back of a brook trout, unique spot patterns on  a mountain cutthroat, or a shimmering azure cheek of a wild brown trout. And while that counts for a …

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Podcast Ep. 240: Fly Fishing Accusations, XXIV

Fly fishing is about a whole lot more than catching fish. I’ve expressed that sentiment in quite a few ways over the years here on Casting Across. This week’s podcast touches on that theme in a few different ways. While I do give some practical, “tips-n’-tricks” information at the end, the majority of the ~20 …

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Podcast Ep. 239: Wade Safe & Stay Alive

This week I was doing some research on how safe fly fishing is compared to other outdoor activities. Good news: it is safe. Bad news: it puts you in a position where you’ll be facing 2 of the 3 most common causes of death outside. Take a listen to the podcast to figure out what …

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Podcast Ep. 237: Your First Cast with Bamboo

Bamboo might be what your great grandpa’s rod was made out of. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t fish with it too. And maybe, that means fishing with grandpa’s clunky five-and-dime bamboo fly rod. Why fish with a rod material that is now three generations old? Today I talk through three reasons why you …

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Podcast Ep. 236: Fishing Centimeters Down

Dry flies, nymphs, and streamers. They work just fine, but there are plenty of ways to fish these flies. One of the most effective ways to fish dries and nymphs is in the surface film or just below the surface. While a high-floating dry is romantic and bottom-ticking nymphs get a lot of hype, fish …

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Podcast Ep. 235: 3 Beginner Items to Keep

As we evolve in our pursuit of fish, our gear evolves with us. There are some items that we inevitably obtain as beginners that we either discard or simply disregard. Today I talk about three of those things. While you might not pay them much attention, or they might not be a regular part of …

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Podcast Ep. 234: Mere Conservationism

If you haven’t noticed, our culture is pretty polarized. Ah for the days when we fought about Pepsi or Coke, Yankees or Red Sox, and flies or bait. Alas. But just because there are some major rifts between politics, religion, and worldview doesn’t mean that we can’t come together to improve riparian habitat and pick …

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