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Fly Rod FAQs for the Backcountry

With small stream fly fishing getting a lot of attention on Casting Across, it makes complete sense that I get a lot of questions about  the kinds of rods used in these applications. Below are five questions that are pertinent to small streams and the rods commonly used to fish them. It is not an …

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There’s No Trout There

“Ain’t no fish in there.” I’m confident that by fish he meant trout. Because there was, without a doubt, fish in this creek. Suckers finned in the clear pools. Dace chased little olives and midges. Suckers and dace are certainly fish. But few people with full vests and fancy fly rods are actively looking for …

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Beauty over Broken

Casting Across went the online equivalent of belly up on Sunday morning. I came home from church to a handful of emails alerting me to the fact that my website was on the bank, drying in the sun and gasping. And sitting in front of a keyboard and screen completely detached from any physical switches …

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A Quick, Great Film on Helping Adirondack Brookies

I only come across a few things in fly fishing that captivate me right off the bat. In my opinion, the short films that Frequent Flyers Fishing have been putting out in such a short period of time fall squarely into that category. These guys tell simple, straightforward, and meaningful stories. Most importantly, their work …

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2025 Show Report: New, Practical Gear

While I am surprised from time to time  with something novel in fly fishing, I think it is safe to say that the industry is squarely in the business of building better mouse traps. Tweaks and variations on themes are fine. If anything, any gear that makes for a noticeable improvement of on-steam quality of …

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4 Ways to Avoid Risk While Fly Fishing

At a recent presentation I gave on backcountry fly fishing, I was discussing the benefits of maps. I talked about tracing the topography to determine gradient. I shared how certain features indicated where the smallest of tributaries or springs might be located. I spoke  on how the usefulness of maps was in that they were …

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3 Tips for Your Next Bass Fly Rod

Most trout anglers have been enlightened by the joy that comes from tangling with a big smallmouth on a fly rod. Aside from the aggressive, powerful fight, the entire process is refreshingly different than the usual 5X tippet and tiny nymph scenario. Tossing a popper while wet wading in sandals is more casual Friday than …

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A Fly Fishing Show Schedule

The first outdoors show I attended was outside Dulles Airport in Northern Virginia. As a teenager who had only been an avid angler for a few years, only exposed to the handful of brands carried by my local tackle shop, it was eye-opening. And I was hooked. Since then, I’ve been going to fishing, hunting, …

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Rusty Flybox: It Is Cold

I love fly fishing in the winter. I love not fly fishing in the winter. Sound a bit confusing or contradictory? Well, it isn’t. You see, both the river and the hearth have their advantages and disadvantages in the coldest months. It is usually a fish plus discomfort versus a no fish plus comfort equation. …

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