Home » Casting Across’ Greatest Hits

Casting Across’ Greatest Hits

Looking back on 300 podcast episodes, I am not surprised at which  shows saw the most downloads. Everything is right in line with the kind of content that people love to ingest. These are, according to you, the “greatest hits” of Casting Across:

  • 3 Steps for Introducing Fly Fishing If Casting Across does one thing well, I hope it is to encourage people to share their passion for creation and fly fishing with others. This episode shares three no-nonsense ways of going about that worthy endeavor.
  • 5 Strike Indicators A classic gear selection episode with a perfect bit of minutiae thrown in for good measure. The indicator section of the fly shop can be overwhelming. I walk through some pros and cons of different options.
  • 7 Dry Fly Prep Essentials This winter podcast  is all about redeeming the time. Even though bugs weren’t buzzing around when it was released, it (or the anticipation of good weather) sparked a lot of interest.

Also, I had way too much fun creating an AI image for this post. Check out my favorite at the end.

Whether you heard them the first time around or not, I suggest you add them to your queue. Here they are, in  an easy click and listen format:

If you aren’t getting the weekly Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast delivered to your device, head over to your favorite media player (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, etc.) and  subscribe today!

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