I’m excited to announce that I’ll be presenting twice at this year’s Marlborough stop of The Fly Fishing Show.
Since the beginning of Casting Across I’ve encouraged my audience to make annual plans to attend outdoor expos. And since the beginning I’ve done my best to address the complaint that these shows are just opportunities to spend money. Because if all you do when you go to an event like this is walk the aisles with your hand over your wallet, you’re doing it wrong.
While there are plenty of good deals to be had on equipment and experiences, the real value of outdoor shows is the opportunity to interact with and hear from other anglers. Sometimes it is the most prominent figures for generations of fly fishing. Sometimes it is the author of the latest book or subject of the most popular short film. And then, every once in a while, it is a part-time writer with something interesting to share.
If you’re a reader or listener, I’ll be honored if you attend. It would be great to meet you in person and have a conversation about fly fishing. Here are the details about the two presentations at The Fly Fishing Show in Massachusetts:
Translating Small Stream Skills to Big Water
Friday | 12:00pm | Room C
For those used to fishing mountain streams or local freestone creeks, wide-open rivers can be intimidating. But the skills possessed and used on small water easily translate to big water. I’ll walk through a number of ways to think about, approach, and fish large waterways with the same techniques employed on the friendly confines of your local stream.
Advanced Small Stream Tactics
Saturday | 10:00am | Room B
We should celebrate the fact that brookies, cutthroats, and other small stream trout are usually willing to chase after a reasonably-presented fly. But catching more and larger fish on a consistent basis takes work. In this presentation we’ll cover the gear, the approach, and the techniques conducive to a greater quantity and quality of small stream trout.
Check out the full schedule, buy tickets, and more at The Fly Fishing Show website.