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Author: Matthew

VIDEO: Sunglasses for Fly Fishing

Outside of a rod, reel, line, and flies, there are only a few pieces of gear that deserve the designation essential. Sunglasses certainly fit the bill. If you think that polarized  sunglasses are just for spotting fish, I’d like to walk you through a few more significant benefits. Also, I would like to advocate for …

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Bad Fish: Competing & Cheating

The late luchador, Eddie Guerrero, once said, “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” I’m not sure how one cheats in professional wrestling. However, that sentiment has been echoed among competitors across a number of sports. So it is no shock that the latest, hottest duo to hit the Lake Erie Walleye Trail has been …

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Ms. May & Trout Calendars

For over 20 years I’ve been surprised when I open the mailbox on a random day in October. Why? Because sometime in early autumn the next year’s Trout Unlimited calendar shows up. While hardly an informal holiday, it is a pleasant event to receiving mail  that doesn’t make an immediate trip to the recycling bin. …

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Podcast Ep. 204: Why You Should Fish National Parks

You’ve got land: fish it! Make plans to visit a National Park. While there may be other, more premier fly fishing spots in the vicinity, parks provide something unique and special. Our National Park Service includes locations as diverse as the breadth of our country. Whether it be famous rivers in Yellowstone, brook trout creeks …

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Rusty Flybox: Maine

I am in Maine.* *When this post is released, I will be/will have been in Maine. The Pine Tree State is a spectacular spot for all kinds of outdoor enthusiasts. That is why my family and I are planning on catching some late-season hiking while camping in and amongst the changing foliage of northern New …

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First Fly Fishing Plans for 2023

This past week, press releases about The Fly Fishing Show hit every nook and cranny of the angling internet. Dates, locations, and early ticket sales went live for the largest consumer exposition event focused on fly fishing. Over the short history of Casting Across, I’ve written a handful of articles explaining why I recommend that …

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Podcast Ep. 203: Finding Trout Just Hanging On

There are so many trout out there. Why care about one particular population of trout? One of the most interesting aspects of conservation work is the cataloging, investigation, and protection of individual fish populations. Acknowledging species and subspecies demonstrates the understanding of a fish’s unique adaptations for it’s native watershed. There are also the benefits …

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Greenbacks are Back: Trout in the News

If you’ve been even mildly aware of the greater fly fishing culture over the past few decades,  you’ve inevitably seen plenty about the greenback cutthroat trout. Oncorhynchus clarkii stomias has been the subject of countless articles, initiatives, and debates at the local and national level. Because we all thought it was extinct. Historically, the greenback …

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Trout & Feather: September ’22

Digital media is phenomenal. Even for an activity as niche as fly fishing, there are streaming videos, eBooks, and a cornucopia of online options. The information is dynamic, engaging, and relevant. But a day will come when the power is out and the devices aren’t charged. Alternatively, you might want something that is a little …

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