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Author: Matthew

Podcast Ep. 255: Urban Fly Fishing

There is a certain picture most of us have in our minds when we think of fly fishing. Rolling hills, dense forests, and barren beaches are the kinds of scenery we seek out as we pursue fish. But have you ever tried to lure a brown trout out from under an overturned shopping cart to …

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4 Ways to Know You Shouldn’t Fish in Fall

To fish or not to fish? That is a good question, come fall. Why? Some of our most beloved quarry have been making fish babies for millennia in the autumn. Proper stewardship necessitates we wade lightly and cast conscientiously during their more amorous intervals. So when do you lay off? Ask four different anglers and …

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4 Fall Fly Fishing Gear Essentials

Fall fishing usually means changing your approach to pursuing fish. Hitting different spots and using different flies are   usually required. Switching up your gear is almost as necessary. Personally, I carry more in the fall. Generally speaking, this comes down to the fact that I employ (and switch up) more layered clothing. My terminal gear …

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Podcast Ep. 254: All. The. Fly. Shops.

What’s your fly shop? There is a good chance that you have a local shop, considering that there are nearly 400 of them around the lower 48. A new and exciting part of Casting Across is the “Fly Shop Box” – an online directory of all the fly shops. In this episode I talk a …

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No Fishing, for Trout’s Sake

Luray, Virginia: Effective immediately, Shenandoah National Park’s streams and rivers are closed to fishing due to low stream flows and high water temperatures. This closure is being implemented to ensure the long term health of the fish populations in the park. Dry conditions have led to extremely low stream flows throughout the Park, including some …

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Fly Heroes Outside the Shops

Last week I rolled out the Casting Across Fly Shop Box. This online resource  is intended to be a growing, dynamic, comprehensive list of all the fly shops in the lower 48. Even after scouring the internet, I’m aware that there are shops that I’ve missed. The call was put out to readers of Casting …

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Wading in the Valley of the Shadow

How can you retreat without running away? As a pastor, this is a question that I regularly think about; for those who come to me for counsel and for myself. What do I mean, and how does fly fishing fit in? First, it is important to define retreat. There are times when it is very important …

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Introducing the Fly Shop Box

Fly shops are a vital part of the culture of fly fishing. Beyond a business providing flies and rods, they often function as hubs for education and community. While online “fly shops” have their place and provide gear to anglers, real brick and mortar stores provide soul. The Casting Across Fly Shop Box is an …

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Podcast Ep. 252: Allow Myself to Introduce Myself

Who is this guy you listen to every week? Valid question. In fact, I think that it is incredibly helpful to know at least a little something about the life, experiences, and worldview of the author you’re reading. Or podcaster you’re hearing. So this week, in incredibly short (and arbitrarily scheduled) fashion, I give you …

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