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Author: Matthew

Social Media is the Opposite of Fly Fishing

Why do you think your gear is inadequate? Why are you unsatisfied with the places you go and the fish that you catch? What has lead you to question your legal, preferred technique? How  much time have you spent angry in comment sections? Why has another angler you’ve never met, and probably never will meet, …

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385 Fly Shops: Is Yours in There?

Yes. It is an old meme. But it is a good meme. And, to be honest, I couldn’t get it out of my head so it has found itself at the beginning of this post. Last year I set out to compile an exhaustive fly shop directory. Aside from the fact that I’m convicted that …

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Podcast Ep. 274: [Cast1] Finding & Reading Water

Water, water everywhere… but is it water worth fly fishing? Today we’re asking  the question: “Where can I find fish?” The answer has two parts: First, how do you find fishable water? Second, where do you look once you’ve found a river worth fishing? Books have been written about both of these topics. But this …

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Fish More “just ok” Water

“It looks like the last part of this week is going to be in the mid 50s. I’m considering putting in an hour or 2 on [local river] – would you be interested?” “YES. Friday?” “Probably, in the late afternoon” “Okay. I’ll put it on the calendar.” “Full disclosure, this piece of river is just …

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Reel Change: A Picture of Authentic Conservation

Authentic conservation means getting together and getting dirty. And authentic conservation doesn’t always entail leveling a giant dam or pouring millions into a famed trout river. Sometimes authentic conservation comes down to a handful of  devoted anglers putting time, energy, and effort into their local water. That is the story of Reel Change, the latest …

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Podcast Ep. 273: [Cast1] All that Fly Gear

“How do you put a fly on that thick line?” “Can I just wear my hiking boots over my waders?” These are perfectly honest questions that I’ve been asked by new fly fishers. Multiple times. Today I talk through some of the other essential fly fishing gear that you need to pursue fish. Once you …

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Slap Happy: Lid Rig Mag Band

In fly fishing, flannel, fanny packs, and clunky footwear are all in. So it shouldn’t be  a surprise that another early 90’s fad is perfectly suited to angling. Last year, Lid Rig came out with the Mag Band. Essentially, it is a silicone-coated slap bracelet with a magnetic surface. Yes: those slap bracelets. But this …

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Fly Fishing (Art) Show

By all means, buy that third (or 13th) fly rod at the next outdoor show you attend. Pick up a basket full of flies, the perfect shade of rooster hackle, or your next perfect lucky fishing hat. If you have the resources, the requirement, and the opportunity: go for it. But if you have some …

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Podcast Ep. 272: [Cast1] Rods, Reels, & Line

The fly rod. It is a beautiful, functional, and essential part of fly fishing. But if you’re new to the pursuit, the hundreds of options (split into different weights, lengths, actions, and even materials – mind you) can be  a lot to take in. Add a reel and line on top of it? That is …

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