Home » 400 Fly Shops

400 Fly Shops

From day one, a goal of Casting Across has been to connect anglers with some of the best resources in fly fishing. And in my humble opinion there are few options out there that rival fly shops. Of course shops will sell you gear. But the best also provide real-time information and legitimate community.

That is why I started compiling the Casting Across Fly Shop Box. It is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive fly shop directory online. Between my own research and the valuable input of listeners and readers, the Fly Shop Box hit 400 listings last month.

Now, I did set some parameters. Below you can read my subjective criteria for what qualifies a business as a fly shop. You might disagree… and I’m okay with that. Furthermore, Alaska and Hawaii aren’t up and running yet. But my intention is to connect you to people who are committed to outfitting you with what you need, tangible and intangible.

Along with hitting 400 shops in the directory, I added a little feature that will make finding all the listings in a state a bit easier. A dynamic map has replaced the long list of state names. Perhaps some other quality of life upgrades are in the works, too. But most important is up-to-date and complete information. To that end, I ask that you use the contact form below to let me know who I’ve missed.

Check it out right here:

Click on the map below to head to the Fly Shop Box.

Is your shop missing? Let me know right here:

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